39th Parallel

39th Parallel

For years, I have been interested in the powerful magnetic energies of the 39th parallel. Our national capitol, Washington D.C., was deliberately constructed on this line of latitude by our Founding Fathers who even had to clear a swamp to execute their vision. The 39th is esoterically viewed as the central nerve circuit of our planet and interestingly more cases of MS are found near it than anywhere else. Sacred places that depended on this high frequency energy, like the Oracle of delphi in Greece, were positioned directly on it.

Recently, However, I had a huge awakening when I discovered that Beijing is also on the 39th! No master has ever commented on this in all of the Feng Shui classes I have taken, books read, etc

The placement of Beijing (Peking) and its center, The Forbidden Palace, was purposely chosen in the 15th century by Feng Shui Masters, who were aware of this powerful energy. This means that the Freemasons were also privy to the same geomantic knowledge that was secretly passed down through the ages.

This ancient view of the world embodied the concept of an invisible architecture underlying and maintaining all of creation. They knew there is a dynamic interplay between heaven and earth energies at every spot on Earth.

Governmental sites were purposely chosen, magnetically aligned and built to both import and export energy and information to control the power between the government and the people.

Thomas Jefferson was very instrumental in laying out the whole geomantic blueprint for the United States Capitol. He personally financed the Lewis and Clark expedition to survey and implement the Mason Dixon line on the 39th parallel! It was like putting an energetic stamp across America that separated the south from the north. The Mason Dixon line did not end at the Pacific Ocean, but extended out into it to later divide North and South Korea! It’s interesting to see how the dynamics of this “invisible line” are playing out today in both China, America and Korea. (more…)


Stone Medicine in China

Stone Medicine

The knowledge of using stones and rocks as healing agents goes back thousands of years. In China, stones were held in high regard and were an integral part of their ancient medicinal practices. Stones were originally as important as herbs, but of course, when you purchase a stone it lasts a lifetime – there is no expiration date!

Herbs need to be continually purchased, so due to economic factors, herbs gained importance and stone medicine faded into the background. The ancient knowledge of stone medicine was further destroyed by Mao who started classifying patterns of symptoms into a simple quick fix system, like western medicine.

The field of Chinese medicine actually includes eight branches of treatment: acupuncture, massage, herbal medicine, dietary therapy, exercise (taiji and qigong), geomancy, moxibustion, and Feng Shui. The Chinese found that stones could be successfully used in conjunction with any of these modalities.

Jeffry Yuen, an 88th lineage holder of the Jade Purity School of Taoism has been orally transmitting the ancient knowledge of stone medicine, in conjunction with the above modalities for many years. He stresses that rocks are living, evolving entities and that their density and solidity bring greater permanence in healing than herbs. He also teaches that there is more stabilization in energetic intentions and therapies with stones, than in any other modalities. (more…)